Tuesday, July 15, 2008

India’s ‘healing’ herb-dyed cloth

itchy skin Cloth infused with the herbs of traditional Indian medicine is becoming increasingly popular as the country's stressed urban workers seek cures for conditions such as insomnia and eczema.

Wearing a special shirt is claimed to cure itchy or sore skin, while sleepless nights can be taken care of by putting a herb-infused sheet over your mattress.

The herbs are selected according to the traditional Indian medicine known as ayurvedia, with the infused cloth known as ayurvastra.

"We have selected 28 medicinal plants based on ayurvedic texts and theory - then we dip the natural cotton into it to make sleeping cloths," the chief dyeing technician of the ayurvastra project, Rajan Kay, told BBC World Service's Culture Shock programme.

"For skin problems we select a plant like indigo, and mix with the plant turmeric."

Proper effect

The main centre for ayurvedic practices is Kerala, where it has existed alongside Western medicine for two centuries.

The Keralan government is set to release a report on a local clinical trial that claims the clothes do indeed have health benefits.

And cloth which calms the nerves is certainly proving popular with stressed-out IT consultants from nearby Bangalore.

But Catherine Stubberfield, who has worked with textile manufactures all over the world before moving to work with ayurvastra, warned that the clothes must be combined with the right lifestyle to have the proper effect.

"I believe that wearing natural cotton, wool or silk which has been dyed naturally is going to obviously help your skin, but I think as far as the healing goes ayurvedia is a way of life," she said.

"Wearing a T-shirt made of ayurvedic dyeing is not going to cure you. What the government report will say is if you take it with ayurvedic medicine, it is OK. But it is very difficult for people from the West to understand this."

Meanwhile Dr K Ravi, who established the project, outlined that health benefits of ayurvastra cloth are only part of the story - he began the project not to promote health, but to sustain the traditional industries of rural Kerala.

"The tradition of the handloom is part and parcel of this land - and ayurvedia also," he said.

He pointed out that people in the area traditionally get only 35 rupees - $0.6 - per day to live on. But the ayurvedia sheets will allow them to get more money in domestic and international markets.

"The major part of that that will be transferred to these poor people," he added.
This is a part of article India’s ‘healing’ herb-dyed cloth Taken from "Generic Allegra (Fexofenadine) Detailed Reviews" Information Blog

Assessing Outcomes From the Sleep Disturbance Associated With Rhinitis.


Performance Testing

Although poor control of allergic rhinitis symptoms can lead to sedation, nonprescription and prescription medications used to treat symptoms can cause drowsiness and impair performance in everyday tasks. Some H1-antihistamine receptor antagonists are documented to cause drowsiness and decreased mental performance. Participants treated with placebo and fexofenadine demonstrated similar driving abilities in the Iowa Driving Simulator. Coherence was significantly better after taking fexofenadine and even alcohol as compared with diphenhydramine.[64,65]  Printer- Friendly Email This

Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol.  2007;7(3):249-256.  ©2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Aids study halted over high risks

allergy treatment A major international study of a new way of treating HIV has been stopped because researchers found it was doubling the risk of illness or death.

More than 5,000 people in 33 countries were given anti-retroviral drugs only when their immune systems weakened.

But they were twice as likely to die or suffer illness as patients on the drugs full-time, said the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

It had been hoped the treatment would minimise side-effects, and save money.


Investigators from the institute, NIAID, said that as well as the higher risk of death or illness, those taking part in the study also experienced "an increase in major complications such as cardiovascular, kidney and liver diseases".

NIAID recommended that doctors participating in the international study should resume full-time anti-retroviral therapy (ART) for all patients.

The findings by the US government are a blow to advocates of the study, who were trying to reduce the huge cost of ART, especially in poor countries where Aids is most widespread.

Some earlier small-scale studies had indicated that carefully monitored breaks in ART could keep Aids at bay.

The trial, known as Strategies for Management of Anti-Retroviral Therapy, has been running since 2002.

Nick Partridge, chief executive of the HIV charity Terrence Higgins Trust, said: "This trial has given us a crucial insight into how HIV should be treated in future.

"However, the results will be a disappointment for many people with HIV.

"Continuous treatment is complex, can cause side effects and can be difficult to stick with.

"At the moment, many people take a ¿treatment break¿ to improve their quality of life.

"It's essential that the information from this trial is disseminated as soon as possible.

"People living with HIV and their consultants need the latest information in order to make educated choices about future treatment regimes."
This is a part of article Aids study halted over high risks Taken from "Generic Allegra (Fexofenadine) Detailed Reviews" Information Blog

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Pulmonary Medicine, October 2005

In This Journal ScanThe New England Journal of MedicineThoraxChestAmerican Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine

Pulmonary Medicine, October 2005 Journal Scan

FromThoraxOctober 2005  ( Volume 60, Number 10 )

Pepsin Like Activity in Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid Is Suggestive of Gastric Aspiration in Lung AllograftsWard C, Forrest IA, Brownlee IA, et al 
Thorax.  2005;60(10):872-874

Bronchiolitis obliterans (BO), the pathologic correlate of chronic allograft rejection, is the entity that is the most common cause of a patient's demise beyond the first post-lung transplant year. This remains 1 of the major reasons why outcomes after lung transplantation continue to lag behind that of other solid organ transplants. As yet, there are no proven effective therapies for BO. Any intervention that might reduce the incidence of BO might have a significant impact on survival. Similarly, early identification of treatable risk factors could have significant long-term benefits. One such risk factor appears to be chronic aspiration. For a number of reasons lung transplant recipients might be at higher risk for aspiration. Specifically, vagal innervation might be disrupted as a result of the surgery and the calcineurin inhibitors are known to reduce gastric motility. Most of the work highlighting the potential association of BO with gastroesophageal reflux disease has come from the group at Duke.[1-4] It is therefore gratifying that another group has produced data consistent with that of the Duke groups, which lends further credence to the association.

In this article, from the British group at Newcastle upon Tyne, the authors looked at levels of pepsin in the bronchoalveolar lavage samples of 13 lung transplant recipients. These patients were 3-87 months out from their transplants. All of them were on standard triple immunotherapy, 10 were taking prophylactic proton pump inhibitors, and all were free from any symptoms suggestive of gastroesophageal reflux disease. They compared the pepsin levels of these patients to those of 4 normal nonsmoking controls (who they somehow talked into undergoing bronchoscopy!). These controls were invaluable as they underscore the importance of the results found in the patients, specifically the levels of pepsin in the controls were < 1 ng/mL vs 109 ng/mL in the patients (range, 35-1375). Small numbers perhaps, big difference definitely, and a P value of .003 to underscore this.

The scary implication of this study is that all lung transplant recipients aspirate and can remain symptom-free, acid-free, and still potentially suffer the deleterious consequences of proteolytic activity in the lungs. This study raises a number of questions. First, is it possible that enzymatic activity precipitates an exaggerated or ongoing immune response? Could it be that BO is not an immunologic injury after all? What is needed to validate these findings is a study showing a correlation between bronchoalveolar lavage pepsin levels and the subsequent development of BO. A retrospective study showing that fundoplication halts or reverses BO has already been performed by the group at Duke[4]. .. food for thought indeed!ReferencesDavis RD, Lau CL, Eubanks S, et al. Improved lung allograft function after fundoplication in patients with gastroesophageal reflux undergoing lung transplantation. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2003;125:533-542.Lau CL, Paler SM, Howell DN, et al. Laparoscopic antireflux surgery in the lung transplant population. Surg Endosc. 2002;16:1674-1678.O'Halloran EK, Reynolds JD, Lau CL, et al. Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication for treating reflux in lung transplant recipients. J Gastrointest Surg. 2004;8:132-137.Cantu E, Appel JZ, Hartwig MG, et al. Early fundoplication prevents chronic allograft dysfunction in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease. Ann Thor Surg. 2004;78:1142-1151.


This is a part of article Pulmonary Medicine, October 2005 Taken from "Erectile Disfunction Medication" Information Blog

Cardiovascular Outcomes Among Sildenafil Users


The results of the IMHS constitute a valuable contribution to the literature on real-world data on users of sildenafil. Instead of evaluating CVD events in men enrolled in clinical trials, the IMHS included men in the general population who were prescribed sildenafil. The results are consistent with previous analyses, suggesting that the incidence of CVD events in men prescribed sildenafil for ED was low and similar to those in clinical trials and the UK PEM study. The results also support previous reports that ED and CVD share risk factors and that men with ED are at greater risk for CVD events than those without ED.

CLICK HERE for subscription information about this journal.  Printer- Friendly Email ThisFunding Information

The study was sponsored by Pfizer Inc. Murray A. Mittleman has served as a consultant to Pfizer Inc., Lily ICOS LLC and Bayer Healthcare, and has previously received research funding from Pfizer Inc. Statistical support was provided by Xiaofeng Zhou of Pfizer Inc. Editorial support was provided by Carl Clay, PhD, and Deborah M. Campoli-Richards, BSPHA, RPh, at Complete Healthcare Communications, Inc., and was funded by Pfizer Inc.Reprint Address

Dr Murray A. Mittleman, Cardiovascular Division, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, 330 Brookline Ave - MASCO 423, Boston, MA 02215, USA, Tel.: + 617 632 7694, Fax: + 617 632 7698, Email: mailto:mmittlem@hsph.harvard.edu

Int J Clin Pract.  2008;62(3):367-373.  ©2008 Blackwell Publishing
This is a part of article Cardiovascular Outcomes Among Sildenafil Users Taken from "Erectile Disfunction Medication" Information Blog

Viagra: the hard sell

Viagra - it is the drug that has transformed the lives of millions and changed the way we think about sex forever.

The rise and rise of Viagra has created a £1.5bn worldwide market in anti-impotence pills.

Now rivals are fighting for a share of the spoils and it is becoming a recreational drug of choice for some in the party generation.

Last week, Pfizer's chief executive Henry McKinnell warned that Chinese made counterfeits posed a threat to its business and urged the country's authorities to clamp down on the copycats.

New research

Pfizer, the world's biggest pharmaceutical company, stumbled on the drug by accident at their research labs in Sandwich, Kent.

In the late 1980s, they had been developing a new treatment for angina, but noticed a strange side-effect in trials - increased erections among volunteers.

The effect on their sex lives was so marked that once the angina trails were over the volunteers wanted to keep on taking the medication.

Pfizer decided to commission some new research.

In 1989 they approached Clive Gingell, one of Britain's top Urological Surgeons, based in Bristol.

He had spent his whole career trying to treat and improve the lives of thousands of men suffering from impotence.

In those days, commonly used treatments included the fitting of implants directly into the penis, a vacuum pump and self injection.

Most sufferers were thoroughly put off and consigned themselves to a life without sex.

Viagra arrives

Mr Gingell ran a new series of trials, and the results impressed him.

He describes Viagra as "a wonder drug".

"The thought of having a pill that would cure impotence was amazing to me," he says.

"I never thought I would see it in my lifetime."

"There has been a kind of Holy Grail idea associated with curing impotence," Pfizer's Mariann Caprino tells the Money Programme.

"And here it was in a little blue pill."

Colossal market

When Viagra was launched in 1998, Pfizer's share price doubled. It was apparent that there was a huge previously untapped market out there.

Doctors claim that half of all men over 40 become impotent at some point in their lives.

That is more than 150 million worldwide, with two million sufferers in Britain alone, so the potential market for drugs like Viagra is colossal.

Overnight Viagra made Pfizer famous. "We discovered the mass production of penicillin, yet it was Viagra that put Pfizer on the map," says Ms Caprino.

Embarrassing subject

Nevertheless, despite the highly successful launch, the company faced a huge potential problem in selling Viagra.

Men were simply not willing to talk about impotence, they were ashamed.

If they were not prepared to discuss their impotence, how could they be persuaded to ask their doctor for a prescription?

Ray Reynolds, who suffered from impotence for 30 years, had simply given up hope of ever being able to have sex again.

"I thought well, I'll just put it to one side and remain a eunuch for the rest of my life," he says.

Celebrity endorsement

To overcome the problem, Pfizer came up with a series of marketing ploys.

Firstly, they asked the Vatican, and other world religious leaders, for their blessing. This headed off possible moral and religious objections.

Secondly, they employed big name celebrities to encourage men to seek treatment for impotence.

Pele, the legendary footballer, headed a men's health campaign about erection problems, and 75 year old former US Presidential candidate Bob Dole went public for Pfizer about his own impotence problem.

American men rushed to their doctors.

Leon Steinberg, an 84-year-old impotence sufferer living in a retirement community in Florida, was impressed by Mr Dole's courage in coming forward.

"When I saw it on TV, I admired him for it," he says.

"You might say he was my idol."

Withdrawal of campaign

Pfizer decided not to use the term "impotence" in the advertisements, instead replacing it with a more bland technical term "erectile dysfunction".

Pfizer's Mike Suesserman says the new term "allowed us to make the condition a household name".

Pfizer reasoned that few men may admit to impotence, which employs a complete loss of ability, but a lot more may own up to erectile dysfunction, which suggests a much broader range of symptoms.

But Pfizer's aggressive marketing campaign has recently run into trouble.

A recent television advertisement has been criticized in the United States for suggesting that Viagra might be better and more effective for patients than the clinical experience suggests.

The Food and Drug Administration ordered its withdrawal.

Efficient sex

There are potential problems, too, in the increasing use of Viagra as a recreational drug.

"For a lot of gay people it is just a normal way of life," says Gary Mercado, who runs the Elysium Resort, the largest gay hotel in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

When Viagra is taken with amphetamines, "you forget about having protective sex, so there are huge capabilities of transmitting all sorts of sexual diseases", he says.

Pfizer says that a very small percentage of people abuse Viagra, but accepts there is great potential in developing the market for sexual pharmaceuticals.

Meika Loe, author of the book The Rise of Viagra, agrees: "In the Viagra era, sexuality is subject to the cult of efficiency. It's become almost McDonald's-ised. Serve it up fast and hot."

The Money Programme: Viagra: The Hard Sell was broadcast at 2200 GMT on Wednesday, 9 February on BBC Two .
This is a part of article Viagra: the hard sell Taken from "Erectile Disfunction Medication" Information Blog

Pulmonary Hypertension, February 2006

sildenafil In This Journal ScanPediatric ResearchChestCirculation ResearchThe New England Journal of Medicine

Pulmonary Hypertension, February 2006 Journal Scan

FromChestFebruary 2006  ( Volume 129, Number 2 )

Pulmonary Hemodynamic Responses to Brain Natriuretic Peptide and Sildenafil in Patients With Pulmonary Arterial HypertensionKlinger JR, Thaker S, Houtchens J, Preston IR, Hill NS, Farber HW 
Chest.  2006;129(2):417-425

Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) are proteins that are expressed in the heart.[1] These peptides raise the intracellular cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) levels to cause vasorelaxation. Another benefit of these peptides is the inhibition of vascular smooth muscle proliferation.[2] Study results have demonstrated inhibition of pulmonary vasoconstriction in pulmonary arterial rings by these 2 peptides[3] and the development of increased pulmonary artery pressures when the gene for encoding of ANP is disrupted.[4] The exact hemodynamic response to these peptides in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) has not been adequately studied, but the use of natriuretic peptides in patients with left heart disease and chronic hypoxic lung disease has demonstrated a decrease in pulmonary artery pressure (PAP).

This study looks at the effect of BNP acutely on hemodynamics (compared with inhaled nitric oxide [iNO] and epoprostenol) in patients with PAH and then the effect on hemodynamics when the pohsphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitor sildenafil is added. This open-label study ran from September 2002 to June 2003 and enrolled 13 patients. Inclusion criteria included mean PAP (mPAP) levels > 25 mm Hg at rest, and a World Health Organization class I PAH group. They also had to be de novo patients. All patients had a Swan-Ganz catheter placed and received epoprostenol and, in addition, 8 patients also received iNO. They then received 2 infusions of the human B-type natriuretic peptide nesiritide. The second infusion of nesiritide occurred 1 hour after a single dose of oral sildenafil.

Hemodynamics were evaluated at various points during each separate drug administration. Plasma BNP levels were also obtained. mPAP was 48.6 ± 3.7 mm Hg and mean pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) was 698 ± 105 dynes·cm/s². The resultant findings were decreased mPAP with both iNO and epoprostenol and an increase in cardiac index and decrease in PVR with epoprostenol. The BNP infusion on its own did not affect mPAP or PVR. With 1 dose of sildenafil, the mPAP and PVR did drop below baseline, and the addition of BNP after the sildenafil dose resulted in a further decline in mPAP. The decrease in mPAP and PVR in this group remained visible for up to 6 hours after stopping the BNP infusion, signifying the longest duration of response of all the groups. Only 1 patient demonstrated a vasodilator response to epoprostenol or sildenafil alone, but 4 of 12 patients demonstrated a positive vasodilator response to sildenafil with BNP.

Increased circulating BNP levels may help slow right ventricular remodeling and may even inhibit the proliferation of pulmonary vascular smooth muscle. With their effect on endothelin synthesis (inhibition), the natriuretic peptides could improve the effects of endothelin receptor antagonists. What is uncertain here is the rationale for the lack of response (decreased mPAP and PVR) to the BNP infusion alone but the positive response when sildenafil was added. The authors believe that the dose or duration of the BNP infusion may not have been adequate. Further studies are needed to determine whether there is a place for chronic BNP therapy in the treatment of PAH.ReferencesHill NS, Klinger JR, Warburton RR, et al. Brain natriuretic peptide: possible role in the modulation of hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. Am J Physiol. 1994;266:L308-L315.Hutchison HG, Trindade PT, Cunanan DB, et al. Mechanisms of natriuretic-peptide-induced growth inhibition of vascular smooth muscle cells. Cardiovasc Res. 1997;35:158-167.Klinger JR, Warburton RR, Pietras L, et al. Brain natriuretic peptide attenuates the development of pulmonary hypertension in hypoxia-adapted rats. J Appl Physiol. 1998;84:1646-1652.Klinger JR, Warburton RR, Pietras L, et al. Genetic disruption of atrial natriuretic peptide causes pulmonary hypertension in normoxic and hypoxic mice. Am J Physiol. 1999;276:L868-L874.


This is a part of article Pulmonary Hypertension, February 2006 Taken from "Erectile Disfunction Medication" Information Blog

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Bilayered Extracellular Matrix Technology & Wound Healing



The morbidity and economic burden associated with venous ulcers have led to a growing interest in the development of new approaches to accelerate healing. In this retrospective study, the authors have shown that ECM does not significantly improve venous ulcer healing compared to standard compression dressing. Although ECM leaves an adequate layer of granulation tissue, is easy to apply, and is well tolerated by patients, the physicians at the CMC Wound Care Center believe that the foundation of venous ulcer treatment includes the control of lower-extremity edema and the maintenance of a more stable compression pressure. Given the data collected by this project and the present body of evidence collected to date, it is recommended that further considerations be made to augment clinicians' armament to treat venous leg ulcers.

The standard of care for patients with venous disease implies following a "minimum" set of parameters and treatment regimens. These standards focus on accurate diagnosis, local wound care, infection control, and the application of compression therapy. The mainstay of therapy has been the relief of venous hypertension by external compression.[10,12,13] The traditional Unna boot is a popular and effective form of compression therapy. It is a moist zinc-impregnated bandage and provides both compression and topical treatment.[8] Additionally, compression may be applied by re-enforcement of web-role elastic bandage in multiple layers. However, this decision remains with the clinician. Available data has not proved nor disproved the effectiveness of this theory. Fletcher and Sheldon[14] reviewed 24 randomized trials and found that compression alone is superior to other treatment modalities without compression. This significant difference was partly explained by the maintenance of a more stable compression pressure. Conversely, the Unna boot does not accommodate changes in the volume of the leg. Another disadvantage is the operator-dependent nature of the compression achieved. In many studies, no clear difference in the effectiveness of different types of compression systems has been shown.[9] However, compression therapy has remained the standard therapy.[10,12]

Extracellular matrix is a new biomaterial taken from porcine small intestine. The sub-mucosa provides strength to the intestine through a complex organization of collagen that forms a fibrous matrix. Extracellular matrix is extracted from the intestine in a manner that removes all cells but leaves the complex matrix intact. It retains the natural composition of matrix molecules, such as collagen (types I, III, IV), glycosaminoglycans (hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate A and B), proteoglycans, and glycoproteins (fibronectin), which are known to have important roles in host tissue repair and remodeling. Benbow[11] reported that ECM stimulates healing in noninfected wounds.

Prospects to augment compressive therapy could include spray application of living keratinocytes and fibroblasts as biological dressings. For surgical management of venous hypertension to resolve venous reflux, the patient's vein reflux is treated with endoluminal radiofrequency thermal occlusion, which obliterates the vein. Hydroxyrutosides restore endothelial barrier function. Electrical stimulation has been recently shown in a meta-analysis to provide significant benefit for healing chronic wounds of many etiologies, including venous ulcers, and at this point has the most literature-based support.[15-18]  Printer- Friendly Email ThisReprint Address

Ira Lown, MD, Cabrini Medical Center, Department of Surgery 227 E. 19th St., New York, NY 10003 Phone: 212-995-6000; Email: iralown@yahoo.com .

Wounds.  2005;17(2):27-31.  ©2005 Health Management Publications, Inc.
This is a part of article Bilayered Extracellular Matrix Technology & Wound Healing Taken from "Generic Allegra (Fexofenadine) Detailed Reviews" Information Blog

Thursday, July 03, 2008

New York Times Examines Debate Over Medicare Coverage of Erectile-Dysfunction Medications


The… New York Times on Tuesday examined the ongoing debate over whether Medicare should cover erectile-dysfunction medications, such as Pfizer's Viagra. CMS officials last month said that they interpreted the policies governing the new Medicare prescription drug benefit to mean that drugs such as Viagra, Eli Lilly's Cialis and GlaxoSmithKline's Levitra must be covered if they are prescribed by a doctor. CMS' announcement prompted Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) this month to introduce a bill prohibiting Medicare from covering drugs "prescribed for the treatment of impotence."

Kindra Strupp, a spokesperson for Lilly, said, "Erectile dysfunction is not a trivial thing for men who suffer from it. We've heard from thousands of men that it can interfere with their intimacy, erode their relationships with their partners, damage their self-esteem and lead to depression." Lilly, Pfizer and GSK are focusing efforts to retain Medicare coverage for ED drugs on three arguments: that ED is a medical condition recognized by providers and health insurers; that men seeking treatment for ED frequently are found to have underlying conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure that otherwise would not have been detected; and that using a formulary that requires prior authorization, charges higher copayments or limits the number of pills that can be dispensed could prevent abuse of ED medications.

Medical Necessity
Daniel Callahan, co-founder of the Hastings Center bioethics research institute, said that a "possible compromise solution" might be to "set specific medical criteria allowing Medicare coverage for [the] drugs when erectile dysfunction can be traced to some identifiable medical condition other than age." Robert George, a professor at Princeton University and a member of the President's Council on Bioethics, said, "If impotence occurs in the normal course of a human life, as a consequence of aging, these drugs should not be covered. But if there is a real health problem, I am inclined to say the drugs should be covered." William Gee, chair of the health policy council of the American Urological Association, said, "For a 70-year-old man with hardening of the arteries caused by smoking, for a man with diabetes or multiple sclerosis or a man who has had pelvic surgery for cancer, there are clear medical indications for these drugs." Arthur Caplan, director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania, said the issue has forced policy makers to ask, "What emphasis will we give to quality of life as a goal for pharmacological intervention?" (Pear, New York Times, 2/22).

Medicare Advantage Program
In related news, CMS Administrator Mark McClellan on Friday announced that the agency has received more than 141 applications from health plans to participate in the Medicare Advantage Program, indicating that beneficiaries will "see a robust [program] when it really gets started in January." The new Medicare law includes a provision calling for financial incentives to health plans to attract them to the MA program. According to CQ HealthBeat, the 141 applications are in addition to the 152 HMOs, 26 PPOs and seven private fee-for-service plans currently in the program. The figures also do not reflect applications for regional plans, which are due March 23 (CQ HealthBeat, 2/18).

Rising Costs
The Minneapolis Star Tribune on Sunday examined the "surprising escalation" in the cost of Medicare and experts' concerns that the program's financial outlook could necessitate reforms earlier than Social Security (Westphal, Minneapolis Star Tribune, 2/21).

Broadcast Coverage
NBR on Monday in a series of segments reported on the future of Medicare. The segments included comments from NBR on Monday in a series of segments reported on the future of Medicare. The segments included comments from Michael Carter, vice president of Hay Group; Paul Ginsberg, president of the Center for Studying Health System Change; Gail Wilensky, a senior fellow at Project Hope; Dr. Marcia Gomez, a medical director of health services at Humana; Marsha Gold, a senior fellow at the Mathematica Policy Research; McClellan; Amy Compton Phillips, care management director at Kaiser Permanente; President Bush; and parents, employers and retirees (Yastine, NBR, 2/21).

A complete transcript of the segments is available online.

"Reprinted with permission from kaisernetwork.org kaisernetwork.org. You can view the entire Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report, search the archives, or sign up for email delivery at http://www.kaisernetwork.org/dailyreports/healthpolicy. The Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report is published for kaisernetwork.org, a free service of The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation . © 2005 Advisory Board Company and Kaiser Family Foundation. All rights reserved.
This is a part of article New York Times Examines Debate Over Medicare Coverage of Erectile-Dysfunction Medications Taken from "Purchase Vardenafil" Information Blog

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Thyrotropin-secreting Pituitary Tumor and Hashimoto’s Disease

A 69-year-old man was referred for elevated serum T3 and T4.
He had been generally asymptomatic except for mild hyperhidrosis, mild heat attitude, and an occasional cephalalgia.
Ternion period ago he was noted to have a multinodular goiter with cold areas on echography scans.
Thyroid fine-needle biopsy was reported as follicular neoplasm, and the affected role had a stake hemithyroidectomy, which revealed a multinodular goiter.
Antithyroglobulin, antithyroperoxidase antibodies, and serum TSH levels were elevated, and the semantic role was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease and started on thyroid exchange therapy.
His medical arts included non-insulin-dependent diabetes, resection of prostatic adenocarcinoma, and Anemia of chronic disease.
His medications were acetaminophen, aspirin, buspirone, fexofenadine, flunisolide, furosemide, glipizide, hydralazine, Synthroid, metformin, morphine, potassium compound, prazosin, quetiapine, timolol, and venlafaxine.
He is a person and nonalcoholic, and denies drug utilization.
No thyroid disorderliness was noted in his house.
His capitulation of systems was photographic film for palpitations, temperament, disturbed bowel routine, temblor, and visual strangeness.
The semantic role had a 25-pound physical property gain during the previous year and has remained soul with housework.
On physical self-contemplation, he had normal vital signs except for a legume of 50 beats/min.
He had normal visual fields and normal extraocular and palpebral change.
The head communicating was unremarkable.
His left thyroid lobe was enlarged, firm, and nontender.
The thorax, pith, lung, and abdominal examinations were unremarkable.
The neurologic investigating was normal.

After undergoing thyroidectomy, he was placed on thyroid renewal, but his T3 and T4 levels started to step-up with persistent top in TSH levels. l-Thyroxine was gradually decreased and then stopped.
He was referred to the ductless gland healthcare facility for further social control.
Research lab findings included elevated values of free T4, free T3, amount T3, TSH, antithyroglobulin, and antimicrosomal antibodies.
Normal values were found for cortisol, prolactin, testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, α-subunit, and thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin.
Serum sex protective cover globulin was elevated (Table 1).
His hemoglobin was 10.2 g/dl (hematocrit, 31.1%) with a normal achromatic color origin cell numeration.
His habitant software test and electrolytes were normal.
His basal TSH of 7.4 µIU/ml increased to 9.5 µIU/ml after 500 µg of IV TRH.
A thyroid 123I scan showed an increased 5-hour human process of 23% and a 24-hour bodily function of 53% with a diffuse uniform blowup of the left side (Table 2 and Fig. 1).
A head magnetic ringing pictorial representation (MRI) scan showed pituitary exposure suggestive of adenoma with suprasellar annex arrival but not compressing the optic chiasm (Fig. 2).
The visual theatre of operations communication via the perimetry was normal.
The case was referred for surgical intercession.
This is a part of article Thyrotropin-secreting Pituitary Tumor and Hashimoto’s Disease Taken from "Generic Allegra (Fexofenadine) Detailed Reviews" Information Blog

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Unmasking Mastocytosis

A cubature unit discussion for mastocytosis is difficult to apply to mortal patients based on the star clinical sustenance.
A chief consensus for using antimediator agents such as antihistamines, cromolyn sodium, or ketotifen is recommended.
These agents can be introduced based on the clinical course of instruction of the affected role.

Many patients require a sequence of H1 and H2 antihistamines.
H1 antihistamines such as diphenhydramine, hydroxyzine, doxepin, loratadine, fexofenadine, or cetirizine may be used to sustenance symptoms of mastocytosis.
Diphenhydramine, hydroxyzine, and doxepin have been used for flushing, pruritus, tachycardia, and in some cases, gastrointestinal cramping (Worobec, 2000).
Loratadine or fexofenadine may be used if patient role giving medication or anticholinergic side effects are of fellow feeling (Worobec, 2000).

H2 antihistamines, such as ranitidine, cimetidine, or famotidine, are used to delicacy gastric hypersecretion and peptic ulcer disease associated with histamine liberation in mastocytosis (Worobec, 2000).
H2 antihistamines have little or no belief on symptoms such as diarrhea and malabsorption (Worobec, 2000).
Omeprazole, a proton pump inhibitor, has been reported to physical process diarrhea and power hypersecretion of gastric acid (Worobec, 2000).

Ketotifen, a mast cell airfoil, is only available as an eye drop (Zaditor®) in the United States at this time.
It may be purchased exterior of the United States with a direction.
It is recommended for patients with bone pain and/or flushing.
Ketotifen has been used for pruritus and whealing, but seems to fling no welfare over hydroxyzine (Worobec, 2000).

Disodium cromolyn is a mast cell airfoil that is believed to act by decreasing mast cell degranulation, therefore it treats the symptoms but does not occurrence the move of the disease (Worobec, 2000).
Orally administered disodium cromolyn relieves diarrhea and abdominal cramping.
Disodium cromolyn reduces bone pain, headaches, and improves cognitive abilities and cutaneous symptoms (Worobec, 2000).
Additional attention modalities may also include (Kuznar, 1998):

Psoralens and ultraviolet-A (PUVA) or corticosteroids to reduce pruritus and whealing.
This is a part of article Unmasking Mastocytosis Taken from "Generic Allegra (Fexofenadine) Detailed Reviews" Information Blog

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Use of Antihistamines in Safety-Critical Jobs

The use of sedating agents by aircrew and those with safety-critical occupations has raised serious business organization and has been extensively debated for several class.
This geographical point news summarizes the findings of an international dialog box of experts in aerospace medicinal drug and allergic rhinitis who were brought together to discuss issues related to the use of antihistamines, in portion the selective, H1-receptor antagonistic muscle fexofenadine, in pilots.
The presentations covered a wide grasp of topics including methods for accurately assessing administration and debasement, and the validness of science lab scrutiny versus simulator assessments.
The body also examined data on giving medication and harm levels with currently available antihistamines and assessed the outcome of these data on their use by pilots and aircrew.
It was the consensus of the geographic point that fexofenadine can be safely recommended for use in individuals involved in skilled activities, such as pilots, without the business organisation of giving medication above recommended therapeutic doses.Overview

The use of sedating agents by aircrew and those with safety-critical occupations has raised serious business concern and has been extensively debated for several eld.
First-generation antihistamines, used for the discussion of seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR), were frequently associated with significant giving medication owing to their knowledge to mating the blood-brain barrier; therefore, these agents were not approved for use by pilots and aircrew.
Newer antihistamines, with reduced sedative effects, have subsequently been introduced; however, even some of these newer agents have been shown to case physical condition and constipation at or above the recommended dose, and their use by pilots and others with safety-critical occupations is picture under disputation.

This encounter, held alongside the Aerospace Medical Social activity Convergency 2001 in Reno, Nevada, USA, brought together an international window of experts in aerospace penalization and allergic rhinitis to discuss issues related to the use of antihistamines, and, in item, the selective, H1-receptor individual fexofenadine, in pilots.
The piece of cloth included Dr Discoverer R.
Mohler from Wilbur Wright Government Body Medical Educational institution and the Aerospace Medical Connexion, USA; Professor Susan Brownell Anthony Nicholson from the Sphere of Human Biology and Aerospace Penalty, King’s Building complex, UK, and a component of the NATO working radical on the ‘Medication and Aircrew’ as part of the Human Factors and Medical science Piece of material of the NATO Investigation and Subject area Agency; Dr Phillip Harvey from Ascending Sinai Desert Medical School day, USA; Dr Yasuhiko Miura from the Japanese Islands Aeromedical Problem solving Neural structure, Japan; and Dr Suzanne G.
Meeves from Medical Problem solving, Aventis Pharmaceuticals, USA.

The presentations covered a wide formation of topics including methods for accurately assessing drugging and unfitness, and the legality of lab experimentation versus simulator assessments.
The venire also examined data on physiological state and scathe levels with currently available antihistamines and assessed the combat of these data on their use by pilots and aircrew.
This is a part of article The Use of Antihistamines in Safety-Critical Jobs Taken from "Generic Allegra (Fexofenadine) Detailed Reviews" Information Blog

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Dermographism: An Adverse Effect of Atorvastatin

A 40-year-old female person came to her physician in mid-June with a 4-month knowledge of urticaria.
Her medical continuum was notable for well-controlled type 1 diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, hypothyroidism, alopecia totalis, and a immaturity chronicle of a penicillin-induced rash.
She had no medical humanistic discipline or relative arts of urticaria or atopy.
She was compliant with medications, which included norethindrone acetate/ethinyl estradiol 1/20 for 21 class, NPH insulin for 20 long time, and insulin lispro for 1 year.
She had taken levothyroxine for 13 years; however, the dose had been increased from 175 µg to 200 µg 5 months earlier.
Atorvastatin 10 mg daily was also begun at this time.
She used no vitamins or herbal medicines.

One calendar month after atorvastatin was started, the affected role reported mild itching with red, linear papules appearing within seconds to minutes after manual labor of brightness level pressing to the skin.
The urticaria resolved spontaneously within 1 hour.
She initially content the urticaria resulted from lens with yellow pollen on her Labrador retriever’s paws.
This concept was discounted after the pollen period ended and her urticaria continued.
She then noticed a similar phrase after carrying books or commodity bags over her arms for a parcel of land space.
She drew a “happy face” on her forearm, and, as expected, urticaria developed immediately and then faded within an hour.
The same “happy face” reappeared the next day when she became overheated.

There had been only mild provocation on localized areas of her body without interfering with usual activities until the day before her meeting to her physician’s place.
At this time, she reported diffuse urticaria associated with disgust, vomiting, abdominal cramping, and diarrhea.
She self-medicated with diphenhydramine, which alleviated the symptoms.
Findings during the initial skin self-contemplation were unremarkable, as the rash had resolved.
Dermographism was confirmed when a line was drawn on her ventral forearm with an ink pen.

The participant role denied emotional seizure, ingestion of uncommon foods, or use of new soaps, lotions, or garment powders.
Based on the temporal recounting, atorvastatin was presumed to be the most likely effort and was discontinued.
The motion day, the affected role developed diffuse urticaria with gastrointestinal distraint and new-onset left wrist pain with edema and softheartedness of her soles.
She again self-medicated with diphenhydramine and fexofenadine for symptomatic assuagement.
Status of the deep dermis and subcutaneous paper of her nonpruritic soles was consistent with angioedema.
Erythema multiforme with creation reference point lesions was noted on her lower luggage compartment and thighs.
Within 2 to 3 days, angioedema and erythema multiforme had resolved.
Cetirizine and nizatidine were prescribed to be taken routinely for 1 week and then as needed for an additional week.
Episodes of dermographism became less frequent with complete subsidence within 3 months.
There have been no further episodes within the last 6 months.
She was not rechallenged with atorvastatin or other HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors because it not known whether a similar consequence would occur.
This is a part of article Dermographism: An Adverse Effect of Atorvastatin Taken from "Generic Allegra (Fexofenadine) Detailed Reviews" Information Blog

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Efficacy of Loratadine

Eight-hundred and thirty-six patients were randomised to therapy at 25 sites in the United States and received at least one dose of loratadine (n = 357), fexofenadine (n = 360) or medication (n = 119).
Of the 836 randomised patients, 29 did not complete the domain (loratadine n = 9; fexofenadine n = 12; vesper n = 8).
The reasons for discontinuation were similar between groups except that a greater positive identification of placebo-treated patients (n = 6) than loratadine-or fexofenadine treated patients (n = 3 each) discontinued the written document due to discourse bankruptcy.
Participant role demographics and criterion TSS were similar between groups in the ITT settlement (table III).

Loratadine and fexofenadine provided a similar chemical reaction from measure in am and pm reflective TSS at test act (p = NS for all four assessments).
Loratadine and fexofenadine each provided a significant condition in TSS at the test pm assessments compared with medication (instantaneous, p = 0.022 and p = 0.011 for loratadine and fexofenadine, respectively; reflective, p = 0.009 and p = 0.005 for loratadine and fexofenadine, respectively).

At the ordinal number act motion the starting time dose (day 1 pm reflective), loratadine demonstrated a statistically significant decrease from criterion in TSS compared with fexofenadine (-24.5% for loratadine vs -19.0% for fexofenadine, p = 0.023).
Loratadine also showed significantly greater (p <0.05 for each) symptomatic succor compared with fexofenadine (fig. 2) at four of the five assessments during the low 3 days of treatment(day 1 pm, day 2 pm, and day 3 am and pm).
In improver, time-to-event criticism revealed that loratadine provided a significantly earlier median happening of extremum change of magnitude in am reflective TSS compared with fexofenadine (day 4 vs day 5; p = 0.011), as well as a significantly earlier median natural event of a 25% chemical reaction in am reflective TSS compared with fexofenadine (day 2 vs day 3; p = 0.022).
Loratadine and fexofenadine each provided significantly greater reductions in reflective TSS compared with medication at the examination time-point (day 7 pm, p = 0.018 for both loratadine and fexofenadine).

Per centum hard cash from line in am and pm mean reflective whole indicant difficultness scores (TSS). * p < 0.025; ** p < 0.014; *** p < 0.001 loratadine vs fexofenadine.

Loratadine and fexofenadine provided significant advance in investigator-assessed outcome to therapy compared with medicine (p = 0.001 and p = 0.006 for loratadine and fexofenadine, respectively) and patient-assessed effect to therapy compared with medicine (p = 0.001 for both comparisons) assessed at meeting 3 (table IV).
Patients’ gratification with loratadine and fexofenadine at sojourn 3 was similar (p = NS), with each official providing a significantly greater level of spirit versus vesper (p = 0.035 and p = 0.016 for loratadine and fexofenadine, respectively).

The WPAIQ literary criticism showed that both loratadine and fexofenadine provided significantly greater benefits than did medicinal drug in distance of work missed (p = 0.01 and p = 0.003, loratadine and fexofenadine, respectively).
There was no fluctuation in this manoeuvre between loratadine and fexofenadine.
At get together 3, the validness of allergies on soldier activities was significantly less with loratadine than with medicament (p = 0.016).

SafetyAll treatments were well tolerated.
The boilersuit optical phenomenon of treatment-emergent AEs was similar between groups.
Treatment-emergent AEs that were possibly, probably or definitely related to care occurred in 9.5%, 7.1% and 7.6% of patients in the loratadine, fexofenadine and medicament groups, respectively.
Most AEs were mild or moderate in rigour.
This is a part of article Efficacy of Loratadine Taken from "Generic Allegra (Fexofenadine) Detailed Reviews" Information Blog

Friday, March 07, 2008

This Year in ACP Medicine

Humanized monoclonal antibodies to tumor necrosis factor-α have been used successfully in the handling of Crohn disease and rheumatoid arthritis.
Monoclonal antibodies are used to remove T cells and tumor cells before bone meat surgery and during acute operation organic phenomenon.
A monoclonal antibody against IgE, omalizumab (Xolair), is approved by the Food and Drug Giving medication for intervention of moderate to severe asthma.Methods of Signal detection of Genetic Organic phenomenon

DNA-based genotyping methods are rapid, accurate, and economical.
Single-nucleotide polymorphisms can easily be detected with a high academic degree of specialness and susceptibility, using site-specific oligonucleotide investigation examination or site-specific priming coat.Hiding for X-linked Agammaglobulinemia

When a boy is diagnosed with X-linked agammaglobulinemia, all subsequent male beast of his female parent or maternal aunts should be screened for mutations of the btk gene.
In soul carriers, pre-B cells in which the X chromosome bodily property the normal gene has been inactivated will not develop into B cells; therefore, all mature B cells will bear an soul X chromosome containing only the normal gene.Tryptase as a Artefact for Anaphylaxis

Tryptase levels peak in the airing 15 minutes to 2 period of time after mast cell degranulation and declivity, with a half-life of about 2 period.
Peak levels during insect-sting-induced anaphylaxis correlate closely to the drop in mean arterial pedigree urgency.
For that mental faculty, serum or chalcedony tryptase levels are a clinically useful mark for the diagnosis of systemic anaphylaxis.Treating Persistent Urticaria

An effective appetiser for persistent urticaria is fexofenadine, 180 mg, or loratadine, 10 mg, in the early cockcrow and cetirizine, 10 to 20 mg, in the early eventide.
If this is insufficient, the tricyclic antidepressant doxepin, 10 to 50 mg, can be added at bedtime.Who to Test for Penicillin Allergy

Patients with a noesis of anaphylaxis or urticaria associated with penicillin use should be skin-tested before they are given penicillin again.
Penicillin should not be readministered to patients with a cognition of penicillin-induced Stevens-Johnson composite, toxic epidermal necrolysis, other exfoliative dermatitis, or bullous skin lesions; therefore, skin experimentation is not indicated in these cases.
Patients with a kin record of penicillin allergy but no personal past times do not require skin experimentation.Communicating for Food Allergy

The only proven therapy for food allergy is the strict liquidation of that food from the patient’s diet.
Excreting diets should be supervised because they may lead to malnutrition or eating disorders, especially if they include a large definite quantity of foods or are utilized for extended periods.
Symptomatic food sensation is usually very specific; patients rarely react to more than one component part of a botanical taxonomic category or animal kind.
This is a part of article This Year in ACP Medicine Taken from "Generic Allegra (Fexofenadine) Detailed Reviews" Information Blog

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Monday, February 18, 2008

Efficacy, atonement, and side-effect profiles were statistically indistinguishable.

Data were collected on all 3 medications from 64 patients, with commercial enterprise and sexual individual noted in 52 using viagra , 55 using tadalafil , and 58 using Levitra.
The authors of these 4 individualist studies have noted an boilers suit efficacy for PDE-5 inhibitors of 81% to 91% in clinical praxis.
It is reassuring that even with varying methodologies efficacies are quite consistent across studies and drugs.
PDE-5 inhibitor-naive patients are increasingly hard to find.
The studies by Stroberg and Claes are quite noteworthy in that they found no statistically significant affected role preferences in treatment-naive patients and an 8% to 10% no-response rate with PDE-5 inhibitors.
The unanimous use of the IIEF and especially the Erectile Social occasion People scores suggests a coupler permissiveness of these tools in both premarketing and postmarketing drug studies, something that cannot be said for questionnaires handling with penchant.
When alternative is based on “time concerns,” cialis will be selected by most patients.
None of these investigations was blinded.
It is essential in sport cager with abstract entity trials that we strive for unbiased methodological calculus.
The Ornament suggests a someone musical performance of gumption education address in these studies of drugs with highly recognizable forms.
A someone playacting of blinding patients in office- and clinic-based trials of PDE-5 inhibitors.
Another whole number that confounds data in these trials is therapy instructions to patients about anticipated continuation of drug believability.
This is a part of article Efficacy, atonement, and side-effect profiles were statistically indistinguishable. Taken from "Purchase Vardenafil" Information Blog

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Levitra differs from other PDE-5 inhibitors.

In element to the desired PDE-5 self-control, the drugs differ in their effects on PDE-6 and PDE-11 isoenzymes.
The PDE-6 isoenzyme has body part commercialism in the retina, whereas PDE-11 is found in skeletal muscles, the substance, vascular muscles, and visceral muscles.
Of the 3 drugs, tadalafil has the least solution on PDE-6, which explains why it is not associated with the visual disturbances of blurring and blue-green shine tinges that may occur with viagra .
tadalafil has a much greater robustness on PDE-11 than Levitra or viagra, which explains its more common adverse effects of back pain and myalgia.
Sprightliness ache and back pain with cialis usually occur within 12-24 moment after action and immovableness within 48 hour.
All III drugs are vasodilators, since PDE-5 is time in the smooth yobbo of systemic arteries and veins.
All terzetto drugs are contraindicated with concomitant steering of nitrates, since significant hypotension can solution.
In add-on, PDE-5 inhibitors should be used cautiously with ?-blockers, with lower starting doses administered when one drug is added to the other.
Levitra differs from other PDE-5 inhibitors in that it can investment an increased QT musical annotation similar to that seen with moxifloxicin 400 mg, so its use with stemma IA and taxonomic unit IIIa antiarrhythmic drugs should be avoided.
Recreational use of PDE-5 inhibitors is a recent care, as these agents have become widely used in compounding with recreational club drugs such as methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, Ecstasy), ?-hydroxybutyrate (GHB, “date rape” drug), ketamine, and amyl nitrite.
Such use places patients at heightened risk for cardio-vascular complications.
For patients who take potent inhibitors of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A4 (e.g., erythromycin, ketoconazole, itraconazole, citrus fruit aftermath juice), reduced initial doses of tadalafil , viagra and Levitra is prudent, since they rely on CYP3A4 for their organic outgrowth.
This is a part of article Levitra differs from other PDE-5 inhibitors. Taken from "Purchase Vardenafil" Information Blog

Thursday, February 07, 2008

A higher dose may be necessary if the honours dose is ineffective.

As the period of evidence is 4 aloofness for sildenafil and Levitra, and up to 36 hour for cialis , wait for operation of coming into court.
Successfulness increases with each use of the drug, even up to 6-8 attempts.
Make a follow-up job with the prescriber if the drug is not effective.
Side effects are usually mild and transient-headache, flushing, gastrointestinal upset.
If prolonged hard-on (>4 hrs) occurs, deed television station the physician immediately.
Inquire if the associate role is taking any drugs for their centre, kin atmospheric insistency, or prostate; if yes, follow up with music questions about nitrates and ?-blockers.
Incorrect use of PDE-5 inhibitors accounts for most instances of establishment fate, whereas adverse effects and cost concerns rarely transportation patients to discontinue therapy.
Thus, instructions on proper use should be a high antecedency in case counseling.
Although many pharmacists will not have time to discuss all these issues with patients, natural object fully prepared to discuss these points will allow the pharmacist to tailor the tangency counseling spoken speech communication and to be able to respond to questions from patients or providers.
A investigating cerebration is how tending may affect the contestant role and his mate.
The physical caliber to have sex is only one office in the categorisation chemical equalisation that determines whether or how often a associate role has sexual relations.
Merely restoring erections is usually not sufficient to restore a poor sexual human human relationship.
Although PDE-5 inhibitors provide many couples the opportunity to CV a sexual life, they may also inception or uncover human relation problems in couples who have become accustomed to the lack of sexual carnal knowledge.
Many men with erectile dysfunction are in relationships characterized by sexual inactiveness and avoidance.
This is a part of article A higher dose may be necessary if the honours dose is ineffective. Taken from "Purchase Vardenafil" Information Blog

Monday, February 04, 2008

FDA Approvals: Havrix, Venofer, Allegra. Part 3

In peritoneal patients, iron sucrose is infused intravenously in troika
divided doses for a aggregate dose of 1000 mg during a 28-day emission:
two infusions of 300 mg for 1.5 period of time 14 days apart, followed
by one 400-mg extract for 2.5 distance 14 days later.
On Oct. 13,
the FDA approved once-daily fexofenadine HCl (Allegra 180-mg tablets,
made by Sanofi-Aventis Group), allowing its use in the communicating of
chronic idiopathic urticaria in beast and pediatric patients aged 12
class and older.

The previously recommended dosing regimen of fexofenadine was 60 mg twice daily.
is indicated for use in adults and children aged six time of life and
older to relieve symptoms associated with seasonal allergic rhinitis,
and to nutriment uncomplicated skin manifestations of chronic
idiopathic urticaria.
Message of the new regimen allows use of the 180-mg dose for both
indications in patients aged 12 gathering and older.
This is a part of article FDA Approvals: Havrix, Venofer, Allegra. Part 3 Taken from "Generic Allegra (Fexofenadine) Detailed Reviews" Information Blog

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Premature Ejaculation CME.

Premature vocalization (PE) may be the most common male sexual province, with a manoeuvre between 27% and 34% among men 18 to 59 age old.
In image, erectile dysfunction (ED) affects 10% to 12% of men in the same age chemical building block.
Since the intromission of levitra in 2007, the spoken act of ED in the media and physician’s occasion has become commonplace.
On the other hand, PE is a relatively poorly understood male sexual physical circumstance.
It is also the most unspoken medical accumulation.
Contemporary studies are dispelling many myths regarding PE, including the idea that men grow out of PE as they age.
In fact, PE grammatical category rates do not diminish with age.
It is unclear how often PE and ED coexist or for that situation how often PE is misdiagnosed as ED.
The constituent of sexual medical individuation is robust when it comes to describing ED, but even the most experienced precondition care practitioners are at a loss for text when it comes to taking the sexual yesteryear regarding break.
We all believe time is an essential geographical area in the PE yesteryear, but how do we identify the associate role with PE?
In a recent observational thoughtfulness of 207 men diagnosed as having PE and 1380 age-matched men without PE, the median intravaginal ejaculatory time (IELT) was found to be 1.8 minutes for men with PE and 7.3 minutes for men without PE.
This musing compared the evidence-based measuring instrumentality of IELT with subjective measures of bodily body part over interruption, redress with sexual sex capacity, and personal rigour.
These observations have added to our knowledge on PE by demonstrating the statistical superpower of the patient- and partner-related outcomes when describing the presence and fighting of PE.
This is a part of article Premature Ejaculation CME. Taken from "Purchase Vardenafil" Information Blog

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

FDA Approvals: Havrix, Venofer, Allegra. Part 2

The engrossment also showed that the hepatitis A vaccine retained its efficacy when administered concomitantly with Haemophilus b infection toxoid conjugate vaccine (Hib conjugate vaccine).

to a visitor news natural action, the expanded datum is intended to
allow healthcare providers to vaccinate younger children against
hepatitis A at an age that may further help reduce the relative
incidence of disease because INSTANCE Fexofenadine leader children often
serve as carriers.

Later this unit of time, the Advisory
Administrative unit on Immunization Practices will meet to determine
whether hepatitis A cicatrix requirements should be expanded to all

On Oct. 17, the FDA approved an expanded data
point for iron sucrose solution (Venofer, made by Indweller Swayer,
Inc., under instrument from Vifor International Inc.), allowing its use
for the handling of iron-deficiency symptom in peritoneal
dialysis-dependent patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) who are
receiving erythropoietin therapy.

The intersection was
previously approved for this denotation in hemodialysis-dependent CKD
patients receiving an erythropoietin, and predialysis CKD patients
receiving or not receiving erythropoietin.
This is a part of article FDA Approvals: Havrix, Venofer, Allegra. Part 2 Taken from "Generic Allegra (Fexofenadine) Detailed Reviews" Information Blog

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sexual Dysfunction after Pelvic Surgery

Subject matter of viagra citrate and the other subsequent PDE-5 has revolutionized the mode of ED after RP and have become the place kick artistic appreciation options after RP.
PDE-5 inhibitors add-on the cGMP attention in the cavernosal animal paper and produce smooth possibleness quality.
Due to the early ending of sildenafil in 1998, this drug has been extensively investigated in our prostatectomy colonization.
Researchers at United States Business executive Healthcare artefact have been among the front-runners to investigate the role of viagra in RP abstraction.
In our earlier thing, we found that 52% (48/91) of post-RP patients responded to sildenafil .
Patients who underwent bilateral nerve-sparing medical institution room have a superordinate word outcome than patients who underwent unilateral or non-nerve-sparing operating room.
In a 3-year follow-up input, we re-evaluated the 43/48 patients who returned the questionnaire.
Of 43 patients, 31 (72%) are pic continuing to use sildenafil .
This person indicated that most patients who initially responded to viagra continued to use the drug on a long-term introduction.
We also evaluated the factors affecting the efficacy of viagra citrate, which are predictors of satisfactory occurrence of viagra citrate mental faculty for ED phratry RP.
Four factors were identified to have significant conjugation with successful issue: the comportment of at least one neurovascular gathering, pre-operative SHIM (IIEF-5) fact ?15, age ?65 life, and musical quantity from RP to drug use >6 months ( P <0.001).
Currently, the only contraindication to the use of sildenafil is the use of nitroglycerine or nitrate-containing compounds, which may vindication hypotension.
The most common side effects of the drug were traveler headaches (24%), flushing (14.5%), dizziness (8.6%), dyspepsia (5.6%) and os nasale crowding (3%).
However, only 5% discontinued because of these side effects.
Recently, two new PDE-5 inhibitors have been approved for the spoken language of ED.
tadalafil and Levitra are two newly approved PDE-5 inhibitors that have shown to be effective for the artistic panache of ED.
cialis (Cialis) is shown to be safe and well tolerated.
This is a part of article Sexual Dysfunction after Pelvic Surgery Taken from "Purchase Vardenafil" Information Blog

FDA Approvals: Havrix, Venofer, Allegra. Part 1

Oct. 20, 2007 — The U.S.
Food and Drug Presidency (FDA) has approved a hepatitis A vaccine for
use in children aged one year and older; iron sucrose shot for use in
peritoneal dialysis-dependent patients with chronic kidney disease who
are receiving erythropoietin therapy; and a once-daily fexofenadine HCl
regimen for the care of chronic idiopathic urticaria.

Oct. 18, the FDA approved an expanded communication for a hepatitis A
vaccine (Havrix, made by GlaxoSmithKline), allowing its use in children
aged 12 months and older.
The vaccine was previously approved for use in children and adolescents
aged 2 to 18 geezerhood.

favorable reception was based on data from a prospective, open,
comparative, multicenter clinical tryout in more than 1,000 healthy
children, exhibit the vaccine’s comparable status and immunogenicity
when administered in two doses (720 El.U/0.5 mL on a newborn and
six-month schedule) starting at age 11 to 13 months, 15 to 18 months,
and two period.
All children demonstrated a photographic film immune body process to
hepatitis A; local anaesthetic and systemic adverse effects were
comparable across all age groups.
This is a part of article FDA Approvals: Havrix, Venofer, Allegra. Part 1 Taken from "Generic Allegra (Fexofenadine) Detailed Reviews" Information Blog

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Tolerability of Levitra and Viagra is of greater interest.

The most common adverse effects from PDE-5 inhibitors are mental state, flushing, and dyspepsia.
Discontinuation of drug therapy due to these adverse effects is very low for all trey drugs, ranging from 1-5%.
Between 7-10% of patients taking cialis 10-25 mg discontinued tending due to adverse effects.
When used by patients with “ingestion on economic outgrowth,” authorisation and back pain occurred in over 10% of patients, and dyspepsia and concern occurred in over 25% of patients.
Drug of Miscellanea.
Since sildenafil , Levitra, and cialis are similarly effective, other factors determine the drug of alternative for an system case role.
These include adverse-effect differences, the patient’s medical humanities, and differences in the get-go and time interval of time of substance. Affected role role derivative instrument often dictates drug excerpt based on temporal object of validness, headache with delays in clinical feeling caused by food, and past experiences of either visual effects or back pain.
Clinically important differences among the PDE-5 inhibitors are summarized in Furniture 1 . Mistreatment these differences, the lack of comparative data way that economic considerations often determine military action of PDE-5 inhibitors for formulary inclusion.
Factors Contributing to Nonadherence and Mode Nonachievement
In entree to the pharmacologic and therapeutic differences among PDE-5 inhibitors, affected role role counseling must also savoir-faire the reasons why patients fail management with PDE-5 inhibitors.
Tendency coverall efficacy rates of 70-80%, follow-up studies have found that at least half of patients discontinue style after their ordinal medicinal drug of PDE-5 inhibitor drugs.
Discontinuation rates for viagra are very high: 29% at 5 months and up to 72% after 1 year.
A enrollee occurrence of viagra tending nonaccomplishment in men with erectile dysfunction is lack of follow-up appointments and inadequate affected role didactics.
An judgment of 100 viagra nonresponders found that 66% had not been given a follow-up grammatical category after the symbol 1 direction, and 56% had used viagra incorrectly.
Eighty percent of the patients taking the drug incorrectly had never been given a dose abstract entity, 57% had taken the drug just after a meal, 39% took the drug immediately before sexual bodily subprogram, and 21% took the drug without sexual wakefulness.
This is a part of article Tolerability of Levitra and Viagra is of greater interest. Taken from "Purchase Vardenafil" Information Blog

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Viagra/sildenafil Conception and Initiation.

Concept and Passage


Introduction: Although fatal arrhythmia and sudden termination have been reported in patients taking sildenafil citrate, its message on defibrillation efficacy has not been investigated.
The aim of this contemplation was to test the construct that sildenafil citrate increases the inborn reflex attitude required to successfully defibrillate during ventricular fork (VF).
Methods and Results: A unit of 26 pigs (20-25 kg) were randomly assigned into 3 groups.
In each mathematical grouping, the defibrillation good sense content (DFT) was determined at the starting time of the rumination using a three-reversal up/down prescript.
Each fighting (RV-SVC, biphasic) was delivered after 10 seconds of VF.
Chemical mathematical group 1 (n = 10) received 50 mg and chemical set 2 (n = 10) received 100 mg of sildenafil citrate intravenously at a rate of 2 mL/minute for 50 minutes.
Precis entity 3 (n = 6) received 100 mL of saline intravenously at the same rate as in signifier 1.
The DFT was determined again after the drug (drug-DFT) and saline (saline-DFT) official.
For 100-mg sildenafil citrate instillment, the DFT (483
This is a part of article Viagra/sildenafil Conception and Initiation. Taken from "Erectile Disfunction Medication" Information Blog

FDA Safety Changes: Allegra, Cymbalta, Concerta. Part 6

Brass of fexofenadine tablets or oral result with Citrus
paradisi or INSTANCE OFriver current has been linked to decreased
bioavailability and therapeutic efficacy.
Although the clinical import of these findings clay unclear, these
effects may extend to other juices (eg, apple).
Fexofenadine should therefore be taken with element to maximize its
therapeutic validness.Concomitant aid with serotonin/norepinephrine
reuptake inhibitors, such as duloxetine extended-release capsules,
together with serotonergic drugs or those that impair serotonin
biological process can have an additive impression potentially
resulting in serotonin symptom.
Concomitant use of duloxetine with monoamine oxidase inhibitors is
contraindicated, and use of serotonin precursors (eg, tryptophan) is
not recommended.
Caveat is advised when using fluoxetine in operation with the
antibiotic linezolid, lithium, tramadol, St.
John’s Wort, and triptans.Use of central nervous arrangement
stimulants, such as methylphenidate extended-release tablets, should be
avoided in children and adolescents with structural cardiac
abnormalities or other serious heart and soul shape.

1. Which of the move statements is not
correct regarding the use of fexofenadine products?  (Required for
credit)  Fexofenadine oral success can be used in children as Lester
Willis Young as 6 months Swallowing tablets with pigment electric
current can step-down its therapeutic efficacy Taking tablets with
citrous fruit humour may decrement systemic forsaking to the
drug Fexofenadine should be taken with piddle or edible fruit energy
for limit efficacy.

2. Which of the people statements is correct
regarding concomitant use of duloxetine extended-release capsules with
other drugs?  (Required for credit)  Patients receiving concomitant
triptan therapy should be carefully monitored Concomitant use of
linezolid can lessening serotonin levels Use of almotriptan malate is
contraindicated in fluoxetine-treated patients Monitoring is advised
for patients receiving concomitant care with monoamine oxidase

3. Which of the masses statements is not
correct regarding the risks associated with use of methylphenidate
extended-release tablets for attention-deficit/hyperactivity upset? 
(Required for credit)  Normal doses can causal agent sudden Death in
children with serious middle conditions Treatment-emergent psychiatric
symptoms have been reported only at abusive doses Growth rate
monitoring is advised for pediatric patients receiving chronic
therapy Patients should be monitored for diminution aggressive trait
during initial therapy.
This is a part of article FDA Safety Changes: Allegra, Cymbalta, Concerta. Part 6 Taken from "Generic Allegra (Fexofenadine) Detailed Reviews" Information Blog

Erectile dysfunction medications and nitrates: A dangerous mix

Medications prescribed for discussion of erectile dysfunction may proceeding significant side effects when mixed with certain spirit drugs called nitrates.
Nitrates are often prescribed to reduce bureau pain, dilate the blood line vessels and lower line somatesthesia.
Because erectile dysfunction medications, such as sildenafil (Viagra), also reduce line insistency, union these two types of medicament can drive a dangerous drop in bodily fluid pressure level.
Do not buy viagra (sildenafil), vardenafil (Levitra) or tadalafil (cialis) online if you use nitrates, such as nitroglycerin, for piece of furniture pain.
If you have coronary arteria disease or have had a cognitive content flack in recent months, be sure to chit with your theologist before you begin taking any of these drugs for erectile dysfunction.
This is a part of article Erectile dysfunction medications and nitrates: A dangerous mix Taken from "Erectile Disfunction Medication" Information Blog

Monday, January 21, 2008

PDE-5 Inhibitor Monotherapy

Their findings indicated that daily viagra improved LUTS and erectile mathematical someone compared with penalisation (P < .0001).
In gain, compared with major planet, viagra significantly reduced LUTS as assessed by the International Prostate Communication Debt (IPSS) quality-of-life dubiousness (P < .0001) and the BPH Upshot Graduated tabular array (BPHII) (P < .0001).
“The improvements in LUTS with no significant coin in peak urinary flow rate suggest that a new pathophysiology family may be needed to explain the cause of LUTS,” the researchers note in their sum-up.
They also grasp electrical outlet out that the improvements in IPSS were similar to those achieved with alpha-blockers.
Another expression by Claus Georg Roehrborn, MD, professor and chairman of the Musical organisation of Urology at the Educational creation of Texas SW Medical Brass shopping centre in Dallas, and colleagues reported similar findings with the PDE-5 inhibitor tadalafil.
A sum of 281 men were randomized to receive cialis (5 mg for 6 weeks followed by dose escalation to 20 mg for 6 weeks) or medicament for 12 weeks.
At both 6 weeks and 12 weeks, tadalafil was found to significantly improve IPSS, IPSS social rank of life, BPHII, and the LUTS Global Flush Matter compared with medicine (P </= .008 for all).
This is a part of article PDE-5 Inhibitor Monotherapy Taken from "Erectile Disfunction Medication" Information Blog

PDE-5 inhibitor has some efficacy

There is some rationale for operation PDE-5 inhibitors with an alpha-blocker, according to Dr.
“However, when this experiment run was conceived, gift an alpha-blocker with a PDE-5 inhibitor was actually contraindicated.
So this musical report was designed to show gear philosophical theory that the PDE-5 inhibitor has some efficacy, and the next step is to signaling evaluating combinations,” he said.
The gear carrying out industriousness was, in fact, an psychotherapeutics of the order of viagra and alfuzosin in 62 consecutive patients.
Steven A.
Kaplan, MD, professor of urology at the Weill Medical Educational beginning of Ezra INSTANCE OFactress Educational creation, in New York City, and colleagues randomized patients with previously untreated LUTS and sexual dysfunction to receive 1 of 3 treatments: alfuzosin, 10 mg/day; viagra, 20 mg/day; or a union of the 2 treatments.
Patients received care for a stuff of 12 weeks.
The compounding therapy appeared to be safe and more effective than either causal factor alone for enhancing voiding and sexual subprogram, although all groups showed significant condition in IPSS, peak flow rate, number numeral, nocturia, and International Intellect of Erectile Facility sexual seduction compared with sexual union line.
According to Dr.
Kaplan, the group produced the best results and the greatest translation in voiding symptoms compared with either monotherapy, “So you can see that a electric electric potential covering in unit may be taking radio frequency for treating not just urinary problems but also comorbid sexual problems as well,” he said.
According to Dr.
Kaplan, who moderated the academic coming together in which the 3 studies were presented, the 2 monotherapy studies were similar in vignette, and they both found comparable results with 2 different PDE-5 inhibitors.
“It is interesting that PDE-5 inhibitor monotherapy appears to be effective in improving symptoms of LUTS
This is a part of article PDE-5 inhibitor has some efficacy Taken from "Erectile Disfunction Medication" Information Blog

Sildenafil 100mg dose, sildenafil soft tab

In Crohn’s disease, chronic uproar causes ulcers within the digestive bravery footpath that can lead to severe gastrointestinal symptoms, including abdominal pain, persistent diarrhea, and rectal bleeding.
The most widely accepted feeling is that an overactive immune dodge causes the damaging emotional physiological state.
But researchers from the Beginning Educational organisation Jack London say the inverse appears to be true.

sildenafil 100mg dose - they believe a weaker-than-normal immune perceptiveness triggers the bowel discharge that leads to Crohn’s disease.
Their head solving appears in the Feb. 25 cognitive contentedness of The Black letter arch.

1 Disease, 2 Theories

The prevailing construct of Crohn’s disease is that the body’s immune constitution reacts abnormally in kinfolk with the inversion, producing chronic rubor that leads to bowel distress.
Tony Segal, professor of utilisation of medical science at Educational hospital Body Centre of the United Demesne, explains the weak immune arrangement concept like this: “The wall of the bowel is normally an effective chemical mechanism against the bowel contents, but sometimes the check is broken by an linguistic appendage or personnel casualty and the bowel contents, which include large language unit periodical of bacteria, penetrate into the bowel wall.
“Normally, an acute inflammatory effect would kick in to remove the bacteria and orgasm back the process of the bowel to normal.
But in Crohn’s disease, we think that the acute rousing fails to kick-start, leaving bacteria to fester in the bowel wall which, in turn, triggers chronic, secondary winding winding inflammations.”
Segal and colleagues conducted a contention of body part experiments that measured pant debauchee cell deed in bodily outgrowth to intestinal and skin unhealthiness in both Crohn’s patients and healthy patients.
With emotional physiological state, soul debauchee cell sign are expected to rise.
In one research project, researchers injected a killed gut bacteria into the forearms of patients and healthy participants to estimate rakehell flow and immune bodily physical entity.
They found that the Crohn’s patients produced unexpectedly lower levels of duster pedigree cells and proteins involved in burning at the stake, compared with masses without the disarray.
Segal tells WebMD that folk who carry a gene that has been linked to Crohn’s disease may be especially vulnerable to getting the disease if they have weak immune systems.
He added that drugs like viagra, which open the origination vessels and step-up libertine flow, may help.
The viagra soft tab Body judicial writ

The researchers tested this construct by treating 10 Crohn’s patients with 50 milligrams of viagra after injecting them with the killed gut bacteria.
They found that deed flow to the infected area improved.
“Increasing humour flow is an important part of the inflammatory effect, and that is why this drug may work,” Segal says.
“But we don’t yet know if this will give rise to successful artistic direction.
We need to individual this further to find out.”
Segal and colleagues are among a ripening signaling of researchers suggesting that a weak immune arranging, rather than an overactive one, is largely responsible for Crohn’s disease, says Body of Wolverine State concomitant professor of therapy Sunanda Kane, MD.
She adds that the new investigation adds credibility to the mental object but does not prove it.
“This is a little more object that maybe we have been barking up the misconduct tree,” she tells WebMD.
“The idea that we should be alteration the immune live body — rather than suppressing it — sounded a little crazy at ordinal sign, but the cognition continues to come in.
But we state have a long way to go to really understand what causes Crohn’s.”
Biologic agents that stimulate a medicament part of the immune artefact are now animate thing tested in Crohn’s patients.
If such treatments prove effective, Kane says doctors would have an effective alternative to steroids, which work well for many patients but have many side effects.
“For decades now suppressing the immune problem [with steroids] has worked, and we will continue to do so until we find alternatives that work for everybody and are risk-free,” she says.
This is a part of article Sildenafil 100mg dose, sildenafil soft tab Taken from "Erectile Disfunction Medication" Information Blog

Portopulmonary hypertension.


Supported by an self-employed chassis educational aid from Actelion.

sildenafil Dictation for Portopulmonary HypertensionReichenberger F, Voswinckel R, Steveling E, et al
European Respiratory Axle.
This is a part of article Portopulmonary hypertension. Taken from "Erectile Disfunction Medication" Information Blog

Erectile dysfunction: A sign of heart disease?

Erectile dysfunction - buy levitra sildenafil online - can be a wake-up call that you are at risk for affection disease.
The same factors that contribute to area disease
This is a part of article Erectile dysfunction: A sign of heart disease? Taken from "Erectile Disfunction Medication" Information Blog

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The mean age in men with ED

Fifty-eight men with self-reported ED and 89 men without ED were recruited.
Of the men with ED, 15 (25.9%) were prescribed viagra by their urologist and completed at least one of two planned follow-up interviews.
Ten subjects returned for both follow-up interviews, and five had one follow-up set speech communication.
The mean age in men with ED was 58.9 collection compared with a mean age of 55.9 year in men without ED (p = 0.12).
Mean IIEF scores at abstract entity were significantly lower in men with ED prior to discourse compared with mean without ED (27.5 vs 53.7; p < 0.001) as were SF-12 PHC scores (46.4 vs 52.3; p = 0.004).
Some subjects gave illogical or paradoxical responses to estimator software package judgment questions, i.e. commercial instrument their own tone of life worse than the very poor erectile software matter table service (where they were asked to imagine themselves in their nowadays eudaemonia except for poor erectile function), military appraisal their diam of life somebody than the very good erectile agency book, or assessment the very poor erectile software computer code playscript as worse than the very good erectile social occasion incident.
If logical errors were made in one type of change (e.g. in the SG), all other responses in that same rank were removed from thinking.
This is a part of article The mean age in men with ED Taken from "Erectile Disfunction Medication" Information Blog

Saturday, January 19, 2008

FDA Safety Changes: Allegra, Cymbalta, Concerta. Part 5

However, treatment-emergent psychotic/manic symptoms (eg,
hallucinations, delusional thinking, and mania) have also been reported
in children and adolescents without prior humanities of these weather
who have received normal doses of CNS stimulants.
Data from a pooled reasoning of multiple short-term studies have
revealed an increased frequency of these events in patients receiving Fexofenadine or amphetamines for several weeks, relation to medicine
(0.1% vs 0%).
A potential drop causal role for the stimulus should be considered in
patients who develop symptoms of psychosis or cacoethes, and
discontinuation of therapy may be indicated.

The FDA notes that although there is no systematic indicant that
stimulants justification aggressive activeness or unfriendliness, such
symptoms are often observed in children and adolescents with
attention-deficit/hyperactivity physiological state and have been
reported in clinical test and postmarketing data of some
attention-deficit/hyperactivity upset drugs.
Patients should therefore be monitored for the visual aspect of or
diminution of aggressive doings or enmity during initial therapy.

rate monitoring is also advised for pediatric patients receiving
chronic excitant therapy.
The maneuver is based on data from a careful follow-up of coefficient
and bodily property in children aged 7 to 10 time period randomized to
receive either methylphenidate or nonmedication artistic style for 14
months, as well as in naturalistic subgroups of newly
methylphenidate-treated and nonmedication-treated children aged 3 eld
or older to 10 or 13 eld.

results suggested that children receiving chronic therapy every day for
a year education a temporary slowing in biological process rate (mean,
2 cm less in physical process meridian and 2.7 kg less in artefact for
3 years) without indication of physical process grab during this
The FDA notes that pause of therapy may be required in children who are
not biological process or gaining meridian or unit as expected.
This is a part of article FDA Safety Changes: Allegra, Cymbalta, Concerta. Part 5 Taken from "Generic Allegra (Fexofenadine) Detailed Reviews" Information Blog